The Foundation SuperACT offers test facilities, training and consultancy for testing of superconductors, cryogenic research and engineering solutions for materials, composites and systems in tight collaboration with the research chair Energy, Materials and Systems (EMS) of the University of Twente.

EMS is based on the former Low Temperature research groups on high-current superconductivity and cryogenic cooling technologies. The internationally recognized excellent track records of these research groups provide EMS with a sound scientific and infrastructural basis from which it is integrating both research lines and expanding its research scope. Taken separately, the EMS research and expertise on high-current superconductivity as well as that on cryogenic technologies are each unique in The Netherlands and belong to the international top. The combination of the two in a single academic research group is the only one of its kind in Europe.

Although fundamental material science and thermodynamics are essential in EMS, many of the research projects are largely application-driven and generate non-scientific research, development and testing activities or the need for consultancy or training. Foundation SuperACT will facilitate research projects that typically have a development or testing character, whereas research at EMS is primarily science-driven.

Superconductors are crucial innovative key materials for many contemporary high end applications in not only worldwide biggest scientific enterprises like ITER or CERN but also challenging projects on new upcoming technologies and applications in electric power transport, energy generation, energy storage and healthcare. In these projects, the unique combination of facilities and knowhow of SuperACT takes into account materials and design aspects through dedicated experiments and detailed models. Next to possible joint generic technology projects, SuperACT also executes specific developments for its members or third parties, but these results are not part of the joint semi-public domain. The independent foundation SuperACT is accessible for all parties from different value chains in the superconductivity and cryo-cooling sector, like material suppliers, engineering and design bureaus, production organizations, machine suppliers, education and research institutes or international organizations. SuperACT is located on the campus of the University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands and works in tight collaboration with the EMS group and the faculty of Science and Technology. Foundation SuperACT has access to all facilities of the EMS group and other facilities at the University of Twente required for material characterization or specific testing.

See more at: http://www.utwente.nl/tnw/ems/


ITER Reference Laboratory

XIVth and Final Conductor Meeting

15 - 17 September 2015

ITER Head Quarters